Many people come across problems using content management systems like Wordpress and Joomla on Windows Servers. One of the problems is folder permissions when you try to upload images or other content. There are thousands of tutorials out there on how to fix this on Linux servers - chmod the properties of the folder to '777' - but what can you do when you are using a Windows server running IIs? The error message I was getting in Wordpress was:
Unable to create directory
Is its parent directory writable by the server?
You may get a similar message from Mambo, Joomla or other content management systems. In the case of Wordpress, the wp-content folder needs to be writable to IIs - or more specifically the internet user on your server. So how do you do this on Windows? Like all these things, its only easy when you know how. Assuming you have access to the server e.g. by remote desktop:
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